This is a big THANK YOU to the ENTIRE Alderson Family for making me feel at ease and welcome at their party this past weekend. I'm always fearful of going places with "new" people (even though you aren't really new) especially when I'm tagging along with someone else. But I felt like I was part of the family there. Thanks for the wonderful hospitality, I appreciate it more than you know.
P.S. Grandma Rocks!!!!!
Mel- you are ALWAYS welcome anywhere I am (within reason- I still have to do some things alone- you get what I'm saying). You are an awesome and funny person to be around and not to mention a great friend. Thank you for taking me aside Saturday to talk to God about my grandpa. It meant more to me than you'll ever know.
Love you!
Melanie, you are awesome and you better make your apearances more frequent now that you have a car. We loved you right off the bat and can't wait to see you again. Thanks for celebrating with us. By the way, when's YOUR birthday? Love, Papa and Mama Jac
WOW, that was fast, I already I have comments....Thanks for the love. I had fun and I will definitely come up more now that I can. And Jacquie my birthday is August 26th..just past. It was a good one though.
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