Thursday, December 29, 2011

A year of worklessness

This year started out with a bang...and set me up for a year of thinking, sadness and irritation. I can only hope that the new year is different.

Yes, this year started with me getting fired, but unlike most people who are fired I was happy about it. The truth is I had come to the realization that that job and the company I worked for was not the place I needed to be. Filled with backstabbers, liars and unfairness I was glad to be rid of the place that was suffocating me in every way. No one really understood how I could be happy about it. But no one around me really listens to what I say, so they didn't really know how unhappy I was where I was. Don't get me wrong I was pissed at being fired, but not because of the act...more because of the people who put me in that situation. A lot of favoritism (of which I was not privileged to have) and a lot of BS of which I spoke out about landed me in that place. Oh well, I'm not going to sit by and allow myself to be treated like crap. I spoke up and they didn't like it.

Anyway, I have yet to find a job and even though the year could have been really rough I have a lot of people who took care of me. I was able to pay off my car (which was a monthly headache) and I have been able to buy essentials without becoming too much or burden. I'm hoping that will change in the new year. I'm quickly coming up on my one year anniversary of not having a job. It would be wonderful if I actually had another one by then.

We'll see 

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