I work with two people who have really inspired me recently. Kelli and Tony!
Kelli wants to change the world! She wants to get her hands dirty and make the world a better place for everyone...give people everywhere the same opportunities that she's had throughout her life. I think that if you gave her a shovel and said if you dig a hole the world would be a better place, she wouldn't only dig the hole...she'd build a wall around it so that it could never be filled again!
Tony, he's a dad and a husband, not only concerned about being a good example for his kids, but also for his children's friends. He's pushing them all to do better for themselves...trying to use his wisdom and knowledge to help and inspire them to make something of themselves, to make their world brighter!
I had to say something about them because well, I am encouraged by them, they have both inspired me to reach out and grab that thing I really want... want to be, want to have!
I've been very fortunate to have always had people around me that have given me good advice, good standards to look up to and good a moral compass. I am fortunate enough to have people who care enough for me to make me apart of their homes and lives. Many of these people I have taken for granted, and for that I'm truly sorry. I take the lessons I've learned from them and tried to use them not only to inspire myself but others...trying to pass the torch! These people, didn't let me get away with anything, but it was all done in love.
I'm curious to know if I've ever inspired anyone...it's always been my goal to add something to a child's life whether in work or play...I believe I may have, but I'm fine not knowing...my reward is waiting for me and that's good enough...
Until Next Time....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Today is a Good Day
My world has become brighter, happier and more lively just because I took some action and decided to be honest!
As I mentioned my former boss is no longer here, and because of that things have changed. Well, one of my co-workers has also left (gone off to a better environment) and with his departure I have found that I am at ease now. Light and airy like a truly tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Today I learned that something else was told about me that wasn't true. I know it wasn't true in my heart and over the last few weeks, this is just one more thing I have learned. Overall, I think that my name has been spoken so many times in non-truths that people really think I'm this evil person.
Upon hearing this new one, I decided to go to the two people I knew I needed to speak to, my area manager and the office administrator. I needed to sit down with them and speak, tell them the truth about myself, how I feel and just open the lines of communication...it couldn't hurt right?
Well, it's been maybe 30 minutes to an hour since I spoke to both (separately). I laid it out on the table and truth be told...I'm surprised and sadden at what I've learned.
Things that I was told over this past year were lies...lies built to hold me down, keep me scared and to keep me from moving on to bigger better things at work (which in turn effected my out look on life in general). I revealed things that I now know where BOLD FACED LIES! I told how I wasn't happy and came to work with knots in my stomach and how I never felt like I could speak to anyone because frankly, I didn't know who to believe. I kept most things close to the vest and thought if I did my job, kept my head down and didn't make any noise that I would be fine. I was wrong, and I was lied to.
I feel truly excited and happy! I'm on cloud nine, I'm sure that this feeling will fade but I'm going to hold onto it as long as I can. I'm going to remember it as long as I can and I will take with me the lessons I learned from this situation. I'm not going to go into a situation not trusting people, it's not my way, but I will, from now on, go to the source...I will stand up for myself...stop ducking my head, stop sitting by quietly and not speaking up. I plan on calling BS on the people around me who I feel are taking advantage of their positions.
This year has had it's ups and downs, I've cried...I've hid...I've believed that it was all of my own making...but today is a new day and I'm so excited about my future. I have someone behind me, who thinks I can do more than clean up after people. And I have people around me who I feel are willing to help me develop, learn and grow so that I can be better...not just in work but also in life!
I thank God for this year of learning and strife. I thank God for bringing me through and carrying me when I couldn't walk, I'm on this journey because He's put me here and I'll be here until he leads me somewhere else. I have a feeling there are still some lessons I need to learn, but I'm going to start fresh and new today!
As I mentioned my former boss is no longer here, and because of that things have changed. Well, one of my co-workers has also left (gone off to a better environment) and with his departure I have found that I am at ease now. Light and airy like a truly tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Today I learned that something else was told about me that wasn't true. I know it wasn't true in my heart and over the last few weeks, this is just one more thing I have learned. Overall, I think that my name has been spoken so many times in non-truths that people really think I'm this evil person.
Upon hearing this new one, I decided to go to the two people I knew I needed to speak to, my area manager and the office administrator. I needed to sit down with them and speak, tell them the truth about myself, how I feel and just open the lines of communication...it couldn't hurt right?
Well, it's been maybe 30 minutes to an hour since I spoke to both (separately). I laid it out on the table and truth be told...I'm surprised and sadden at what I've learned.
Things that I was told over this past year were lies...lies built to hold me down, keep me scared and to keep me from moving on to bigger better things at work (which in turn effected my out look on life in general). I revealed things that I now know where BOLD FACED LIES! I told how I wasn't happy and came to work with knots in my stomach and how I never felt like I could speak to anyone because frankly, I didn't know who to believe. I kept most things close to the vest and thought if I did my job, kept my head down and didn't make any noise that I would be fine. I was wrong, and I was lied to.
I feel truly excited and happy! I'm on cloud nine, I'm sure that this feeling will fade but I'm going to hold onto it as long as I can. I'm going to remember it as long as I can and I will take with me the lessons I learned from this situation. I'm not going to go into a situation not trusting people, it's not my way, but I will, from now on, go to the source...I will stand up for myself...stop ducking my head, stop sitting by quietly and not speaking up. I plan on calling BS on the people around me who I feel are taking advantage of their positions.
This year has had it's ups and downs, I've cried...I've hid...I've believed that it was all of my own making...but today is a new day and I'm so excited about my future. I have someone behind me, who thinks I can do more than clean up after people. And I have people around me who I feel are willing to help me develop, learn and grow so that I can be better...not just in work but also in life!
I thank God for this year of learning and strife. I thank God for bringing me through and carrying me when I couldn't walk, I'm on this journey because He's put me here and I'll be here until he leads me somewhere else. I have a feeling there are still some lessons I need to learn, but I'm going to start fresh and new today!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
When I find myself in times of trouble, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer. let it be.
Let it be, let it be, .....
And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, .....
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is still a chance that they will see, there will be an answer. let it be.
Let it be, let it be, .....
And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light, that shines on me, shine until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music, mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be, .....
Thank you Lord, for having all things in your hands and for knowing what I need and want before I ever see the situation coming.
Thank you for having my cries and restoring me when I am beat down and tried.
Thank you for your patience, sense of humor and loyalty
Thank you for surrounding me with love everyday, even if it's the simple type of love that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
Thank you for exposing me to others and their spirituality, kindness, wisdom and joy!
Thank you for my family, friends and life!
Thanks you for all my daily blessings and for pulling me out of the darkness!
I praise you, for all these things, for all my blessings and faults, for all that I am and have and for always being faithful to me!
I love you!
Thank you for having my cries and restoring me when I am beat down and tried.
Thank you for your patience, sense of humor and loyalty
Thank you for surrounding me with love everyday, even if it's the simple type of love that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
Thank you for exposing me to others and their spirituality, kindness, wisdom and joy!
Thank you for my family, friends and life!
Thanks you for all my daily blessings and for pulling me out of the darkness!
I praise you, for all these things, for all my blessings and faults, for all that I am and have and for always being faithful to me!
I love you!
The Obamas and The Huckstables!

Yesterday, I stumbled across this, the official family portrait, of our First Family (pictured above)! The first thought to pop in my head was what a beautiful black family, but now I say what a beautiful family! Does it matter that they are my skin tone...yes and no. Yes because finally young black girls and boys have someone other than the Huckstables to look up to and no because in our world of divorce, fighting and torn families, a family together in love and devotion to one another is to be praised no matter what they look like!
I am inspired by these people and proud that they are our first family!

So much to say so little time!
So my life has been slowly moving along since the last time I posted...it's been over a month and I've basically been taking it easy! There have been some changes, and I'll talk about those, but for the most part I've been gone because I'm been...chillin!
In September I decided to devote my Saturdays to college football, one team in particular, the Florida Gators! So my Saturday's have been put on hold for the next few months...basically I'm not doing anything with my weekend except for lying around in bed waiting for either the game to start or the nachos to finish (not really, the nachos thing was only last week). Since I'm not sleeping in on Saturdays I'm doing it on Sundays and before I know it it's Monday again! It's not a bad plan, just not the wisest one either, but hey I'm having fun!
I am in the middle of my first stint of Jury Duty, I have been placed on a Jury Panel and will go back on Wednesday to find out if my future lay in the courtroom or at work (basically I'll find out if I've been placed on the Jury!). I will tell you more about that this coming week, but I will say that I'm enjoying my experience and find it all very interesting!
Well, things at work have changed! I have a new boss, her name is Grace! My former boss moved out of state to pursue a new venture in her career. Grace has been here for 3 weeks and the changes I've seen and felt are so grand that I don't know if I can properly describe them! The truth is, she's great and I'm so comfortable and happy that the smile I paint on my face is actually a truthful reaction to how I'm really feeling. I'm not just putting a smile on my face and crying on the inside. That's how I used to feel! Everyday was a walk through hellfire and brimstone! I would come to work and literally as I got closer to the floors I work on, my stomach would begin to ache, I could feel my stress level rise and I just didn't know what to do about it.
I think God has been with me this whole time, I mean he bought me to this place and he never left me, even when I felt completely alone! Now, there are no stomach aches, I feel better about my co-workers (most) and about being open to give my suggestions, comments or complaints! I don't feel like I have to stifle myself to fit in, I can be me. I've been encouraged to be me, that's the most refreshing part about it!
Things have changed and I am now wholeheartedly enjoying my job! Now all I need is a raise!
Ok, so I wrote about trying to get through "A Purpose Driven Life" this summer, well not surprisingly, I didn't get very far. I do have to say that this summer was not a good one for me. I was pulling away from everyone, I wasn't being a good friend and I just didn't really see the point (well, I did, but I wasn't ready!). I'm not saying that I'm ready now, but I do see God and I have this nagging ache to help the world around me. I want to make an impact on others...not only because God told me to, but because if I don't who will? I owe it to the people I love and the world around me to reach out and try my best to make this world we call home a better place! Will you help me?
And finally, the two most trivial...I've become slightly obsessed with Facebook and I can no longer be called the celebrity gossip go to person by my friends! I can't even get halfway thru the OK Magazine crossword puzzle anymore....I'm disappointed, but now I can focus on more important stuff!
Until Next Time!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
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