Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Okay , I mentioned before that I read this book series this past summer, well I loved it and the only reason I found the books was because of the movie. Now, at first I thought the trailer looked stupid but after reading the books and whose going to be on the soundtrack and seeing like 5 different trailers, I'm completely excited about it. In fact I'm so excited that every time I see a new trailer or commercial I get even more excited.

I only know two people who have actually read the book (twilight) and a ton of others who want to read it...so I have a question. Who wants to go see the movie.

With less than a month away (22 days to be exact) til opening weekend, we are running out of time to make good plans to see this movie. Honestly I would love to see it on opening weekend but I'm not trying to beat up anyone. I enjoy my movie experiences way too much for me to see it with a 100 screaming teenage girls and their screaming middle-aged moms (check out the twilight moms website, they're out there). So I might wait and go the week after opening, but I'm excited and if anyone wants to go see it with me. Let me know I'll be there!


KBugg said...

Hey Mel! I hear you! I read all 4 books in 4 days this past week and now... IT'S MY DRUG OF CHOICE AND I'M HOPELESSLY ADDICTED!!!!! I am now in the process of listening to each audio book. And, like you, have read every interview and watched every preview out there about the movie. I can't wait!
I am going to see the midnight showing (November 21 @ 12:01 am) of the movie when it comes out. Woo hoo! I don't know if you have to be at work on the 21st, but if you want to come up and watch it then go back home to LA that night afterward you are more than welcome! Or...I could just come down to LA soon after and go see it with you if you can't find anyone obsessed like we are! xoxo

Melanie said...

I don't think i can come up on the 21st, cause i'm pretty sure all the theatres are sold out...at least that's the rumor. but maybe we can meet halfway and see it sometime later. let me know.

KBugg said...

Sounds like a good plan!!! I'll look over my schedule and see if we could hook up. :-)

Anonymous said...

ok, I'm going to see it on Friday, but I still think we should to get together and see it. Let me know when you are available.