Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Twilight Series

On July 15th, I added a post called "READING". I mentioned in that post that I was currently reading a book called Twilight. Well it's the first book of the series by that same name. I just finished (well about two hours ago) the third book of the series which is titled Eclipse.
Three books in Exactly two weeks, that's the fastest I've read pretty much anything (expect the last to HP books). I probably would have read the books in a week if I had access to them back to back, but I had to wait a week to borrow Eclipse and a day or two to buy New Moon, which is the second book.
I'm really enjoying the books and the characters and can't wait to see what happens in the last book, Breaking Dawn, which is being released on August 2, 2008. I do have to wait for a while, but my bro just bought it as an early birthday gift, so I'm expecting it to be delivered next week sometime.
I'm excited and happy that I've found books that can keep me intrigued and "tuned" in. Can't wait til next week!


laura said...

Happy early birthday! Books are a wonderful way to spend time with yourself. As a grad student of literature, I know!

So what other kinds of books do you like? Have you ever been on www.shelfari.com? VERY cool site. I highly recommend!

Hope you're safe and sound in LA after the quake--am sending prayers!

with love from Pittsburgh...

Melanie said...


I enjoy all kinds of books, but I'm very picky in that, if it doesn't hook me right away my interest tends to fade. I guess I would have to say that Fantasy is my favorite!

Never been on that site, but thanks I'll check it out. I'm good and safe after the quake, I know it was a big deal, but now so much, I've felt bigger in my life. Thanks for the prayers!