Friday, July 27, 2007

Harry...Harry Potter

Hello, so for those of you who don't know I am a Harry Potter fan!

Yes, I am one of the freaks who was lined up at midnight last week waiting to buy my book and I can proudly say I read it in 4 days, which is good for me (since I hated to read throughout school and didn't appreciate it fully until, well the first Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings, which I didn't discover until 2001).
I enjoyed the book and won't tell you what happens, just in case, but I think it's worth a read. Whether you like the end or not all of these books by JK Rowling are worth your time. She's made this world so full and interesting that it's just wonderful to step into them when you aren't having the best time in this real world.
They are like movies on the page and like going to the movies, I really enjoy picking up a book and drifting off into that world. So to Harry, living/dead or whatever, I salute you and the last book in your wonderfully tragic story.

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