Thursday, March 22, 2007

Last Weekend

I went on a Monastic Retreat with several small group leaders of my church. We all drove up to the San Bernardino Mountains and stayed at the Oak Glen Christian Conference Center. I had a good time, I felt relaxed and centered, and during on time there we focused mostly on ourselves and our walk with God.
I learned somethings about my relationship with God that I found hard to deal with, but I believe that in reaching that place and beginning to really heal my hurts I can truly become close to God and become a true disciple. And I learned how to center myself so that I can hear God's "still small voice" without being distracted and giving up. It's always a good feeling to know that God is laying his hands on and showing you exactly what you need and want to see.
I had a great time in worship, friendship and spiritual awareness. There were somethings I didn't really feel worked for me, but I am glad that I took part in the entire weekend. I'm glad that God put me in that place and made the impact I needed.
Thank you Ruben and Brooke for all your work and examples and thanks to my fellow retreaters...Paul and Peggy, Esther, Sanseria, Philip and Yvonne. And Kevin thanks for coming up and being yourself and for listening and advising me, even though neither of us knew exactly what I should do next.
Thank You God, for giving me what I need and understanding me even when I don't understand myself.

1 comment:

KBugg said...

Sounds like a powerful weekend. Don't let it end now that you're back in the "real world". I'm praying for you Mel!