Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The Most Ridiculous Thing

 Our government needs some type of intervention and counseling. In fact, I think we need to send them all to anger management and rehab. No seriously! The Republicans are so mad at the Democrats that they want to shut the government down. Do you have any idea what that means? Well here's one!
  It's tax time and even if the government shuts down today we are still required to have our tax forms turned in on time. However, the IRS won't be opening, so they won't be sending out any refunds. Also, all of our soldiers...those at home and in the field won't be paid. What? We send them out to fight a war for oil and then we won't pay them? I'm sorry folks but all those government employees will get sent home...but not paid. We are in a financial crisis and the solution is to stop the flow of money? So, most people can't pay their bills already, what happens when the few who can can't?

  Our government hates each other, it's like a bad soap opera, mixed with a Springer Episode, (I'm waiting for someone to start throwing food). So, why do they hate each other? I'd like to say it has nothing to do with the guy who lives in the big white house who isn't white. But it does...the truth is this, in the mid-term elections a bunch of Tea (Baggers) Party candidates where elected. This is a group that is racist and has only picked up steam because we happen to have a brown president. These freshman representatives and senators got into office and lost their flippin minds! They don't want to work things out they just want their two year olds and they're throwing the ultimate tantrum! So like any kid, they're going to cause so much commotion that the whole government has to STOP! Hello, people is anyone watching? Is anyone really seeing what is happening in DC? Does anyone care?

   I like to consider myself a patriot, I like to consider myself a supporter of our government, our troops and our leaders. But the fact that the Republicans are doing this and the Democrats are allowing it is really upsetting and makes me think that this can't get any worse...but once I start to think that, something else more horrible happens.

   Hey government....look around you. Stop and look around you...lets bring our troops home, let's fix the damn oil leak in the gulf, let's prepare for the 9 hurricanes on the east coast...let's rebuild New Orleans....let's prepare the west coast for the giant earthquake that we know will hit and let's fix our crumbling infrastructure so that if our kids want to drive cross country there'll be roads and bridges for them to drive on. Let's fix the economy, let's really reform health care, let's kick out the lobbyists and let's buckle down and get ourselves out of debt.

   Hey regular ordinary citizens...let's vote for our leaders with our hearts, guts and BRAINS...not with the fear that some leaders are spewing. And let's hold the leaders we have to standards higher than, thank goodness he/she hasn't been in a sex scandal yet!

    If we don't stop and see what's happening, this thing will only get worse and then I'll have to start campaign for Kelli D to be president!